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We Know How You Feel - Computers are learning to read emotion!

In this column, we highlight important macro topics, new technologies, productivity tips - effectively, things that move humanity forward.

By scanning facial action units, computers can now outperform most people in distinguishing social smiles from those triggered by spontaneous joy, and in differentiating between faked pain and genuine pain. They can determine if a patient is depressed. Operating with unflagging attention, they can register expressions so fleeting that they are unknown even to the person making them. Marian Bartlett, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, and the lead scientist at Emotient, once ran footage of her family watching TV through her software. During a moment of slapstick violence, her daughter, for a single frame, exhibited ferocious anger, which faded into surprise, then laughter. Her daughter was unaware of the moment of displeasure - but the computer had noticed. Recently, in a peer-reviewed study, Bartlett's colleagues demonstrated that computers scanning for "micro-expressions" could predict when people would turn down a financial offer: a flash of disgust indicated that the offer was considered unfair, and a flash of anger prefigured the rejection.

Perhaps the most successful researcher-entrepreneur in this field is an Egyptian scientist living near Boston, Rana el Kaliouby. Her company, Affectiva, formed in 2009, has been ranked by the business press as one of the country's fastest-growing startups, and Kaliouby, has been called a "rock star."

Continued here

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